Posts Tagged ‘Caldwell NJ Neck Pain’
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by The Team at Advanced Chiropractic Rehab Center | Nov 13, 2014 | Health Articles

As the roads become increasingly slippery, more auto accidents are occurring at an alarming rate. The sharp or sudden stops are causing whiplash injuries to not only the driver but all the passengers involved. These injuries unfortunately do not always cause sudden pain but can manifest over time and are not limited to motor vehicles ...
by The Team at Advanced Chiropractic Rehab Center | Apr 17, 2014 | Health Articles

Our body has a miraculous way of healing it self but also protecting damaged areas. Scar tissue is one of the body's natural reactions to injury, no matter how small or slight. Everyday actions that most people would not regard as an injury can create scar tissue. The soft tissues in our body are made ...
by The Team at Advanced Chiropractic Rehab Center | Mar 27, 2014 | Health Articles

Future Olympic champions are following the steps of some of the greatest athletes on the planet. Their training regiment now includes proper spinal alignments for optimal performance and to avoid or recover from injuries.
In today’s age of health and fitness, more and more kids are involved in sporting activities. Although being part of a football, ...
by The Team at Advanced Chiropractic Rehab Center | Mar 13, 2014 | Health Articles

For decades, arthritis has been considered a part of aging. But not anymore. Surprisingly recent research points out that people much younger can develop rheumatoid arthritis pain but the best news is that people no longer need to suffer needlessly from the pain. Years ago, doctors hardly ever encouraged Rheumatoid Arthritis patients to "go take ...
by The Team at Advanced Chiropractic Rehab Center | Feb 18, 2014 | Health Articles

Our lives today have become congested and over run with stress. The effects of stress are seen across the nation at an earlier age and with more detrimental health effects. Stress can be caused by a number of factors, both personal and professional. In most cases, though, it is the result of the difference between ...