Posts Tagged ‘Shoulder Pain Caldwell NJ’
Welcome to Advanced Chiropractic Rehab Center's Shoulder Pain Caldwell NJ Archive. Here you can learn more about Advanced Chiropractic Rehab Center, Chiropractic, and Dr. Geoffrey Bossio, today's choice for Chiropractors in Caldwell, NJ. Read Dr. Geoffrey Bossio's Chiropractic Shoulder Pain Caldwell NJ for the health of it.
We look forward to serving you! Call - (973) 228-8600.
by The Team at Advanced Chiropractic Rehab Center | May 3, 2016 | Health Articles

The rotator cuff is the most important group of muscles giving the shoulder support and stability. This structural support allows the shoulder joint to move and turn through a wide range of motions and allows us to perform an amazing variety of tasks with our arms. Due to this mobility, rotator cuff injuries are very ...
by The Team at Advanced Chiropractic Rehab Center | Jan 7, 2016 | Health Articles

The winter season is upon us. Whether you live in a climate that naturally enjoys the excitement of the cold brisk weather or you travel to enjoy a snow holiday, here are a few great tips to keep you safe and healthy.
Warming Up To Winter
Snow, ice, and cold weather are part of the seasonal fun but ...
by The Team at Advanced Chiropractic Rehab Center | Nov 24, 2015 | Health Articles

Can you hear the sleigh bells ringing? That's because the holidays have arrived! However with this season's good cheer, in comes the stress which may lead to tears, neck pain, shoulder pain, and headaches. This is especially the case during the Christmas season. The combination of the wrong food, too much alcohol, late nights, rushing ...
by The Team at Advanced Chiropractic Rehab Center | Feb 12, 2015 | Health Articles

Sitting on the edge of our seats as we eagerly await the final score. 3-2-1 Victory! You jump to cheer the win, but if you suffer with Tendonitis that victory dance is filled with awkward motions and pain.
If you find this pain has you red shirted from the sports you love to play or even ...
by The Team at Advanced Chiropractic Rehab Center | Dec 23, 2014 | Health Articles

As we get older, years of mechanical stress can lead to the deterioration of joints, ligaments, and tendons. This degenerative process, more commonly known as arthritis, primarily affects the weight-bearing joints in the body such as the hips and knees and those found in the lumbar spine. The shoulder, too, is also prone to undergo ...